Common Data Entry Job Scams

If you're looking for an online data entry position, you need to be very careful. There are a lot of job scams advertising what appear to be legitimate positions. Work-from-home job scams are perhaps the most common online scam.

For the five years ending December 21, 2019, AARP reports there were over 100,000 fraud complaints filed with the Federal Trade Commission by job seekers. These include 58,368 complaints about opportunities to work from home or start a business.

WARNING:Work-from-home data entry jobs are particularly appealing to scammers, who find many ways to make them seem real.

That's because many data entry jobs are entry-level and don't require experience to get started. It's easy to promote the positions as an easy way to get started working online and make money.

When you hear about a work-from-home job in data entry that sounds too good to be true (for example, the position might promise high pay for very few hours of work), it probably is.,

Read about some of the most common data entry job scams, and learn some tips for avoiding them.

Types of Data Entry Scams

Scams That Ask for Money

There are several kinds of data entry scams. One type of scam is the one that will ask you for money:

  • <You might be told that if you pay a fee, you will receive a job.
  • <Some scams ask you for money so that you can take a required test, pay for administrative fees, or receive equipment or a kit necessary to start the job.
  • <Others ask you to pay for a training course or certificate program.
  • <Some will ask for money in exchange for more information on data entry jobs.

Once you pay the scammer money, you will likely not hear from the scammer again. Or, you will simply receive information that you could have received for free.

Scams That Offer Money

Another common type of scam involves giving you money—or at least, appearing to give you money. The scammer will send you a check. You will deposit the check and then, a day or two later, the scammer will ask you to send money to someone else (either for work supplies or for some other reason). After you send the money, you realize the check they sent you has bounced. 

For example, one person who was scammed said the fake company actually put her through a week of "training" before sending her a fraudulent check. Sometimes, these scammers will go as far as to conduct an interview with you, but the interview will not be in person. In some cases, the interview will be held on a messaging platform, so you never get to talk to the person who is hiring.

Tips for Spotting Data Entry Scams

Even someone who is aware of scams and is looking for signs of being scammed can be fooled by criminals. Scammers have invested a lot of time in learning how to take advantage of job seekers, and it can be easier than you think to get scammed.

Keep the following tips in mind whenever you are looking for a data entry job:

If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Data entry jobs, on average, do not pay particularly well. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the median hourly wage for a data entry keyer is $16.10 an hour. The median wage for lowest percentile of workers is $11.24 per hour.3

Specialized jobs pay a bit more (for example, jobs as a medical coder or legal transcriptionist). If you see a job listing that promises an extremely high salary, a very flexible schedule, or both, be suspicious.

Research any company. Before sending an employer any personal information, research the company. Make sure they have a legitimate website. Ask the employer if you can speak to any of their employees or former employees in person. Keep researching until you feel confident that it is a legitimate company.

Check out the hiring manager. If the recruiter works for a legitimate company, you should be able to find information on them by searching Google and LinkedIn. If you can't find any traces of an employment history or a current employer, be very careful before you proceed.

Never pay money for a job. Many of the scams will ask you for money early on in the process—either to cover the cost of equipment, to pay an administrative fee, or to pay for a test. You should not have to pay money to get a legitimate job. If anyone asks for money, that is a sign that it is a scam.





This is my first blog hope u will get some information Thank you.


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